Zuko and Iroh Meet Again Episode

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This article is nigh the second episode of the Book 3 finale. For other like uses, see Sozin's Comet (disambiguation).

"Sozin's Comet, Part two: The Old Masters" is the 19th episode of Book Three: Fire of Avatar: The Terminal Airbender and the 59th of the overall serial. It debuted on July 19, 2008.


On the mysterious island, Aang seeks guidance from his by lives, only they insist he must have Fire Lord Ozai's life. The island is discovered to exist a wise lion turtle that provides Aang with ancient noesis of a forgotten art, energybending. Meanwhile, subsequently June is unable to notice the Avatar, Zuko decides to discover his uncle instead, and Team Avatar meets the Order of the White Lotus, its leader existence Iroh. After reuniting with Iroh, the team chooses to carve up and go in different directions to assistance terminate the Burn Nation. Sozin'south Comet arrives and Phoenix King Ozai prepares to destroy the World Kingdom.


At an Earth Kingdom tavern, Zuko convinces the bounty hunter, June, to use her shirshu, Nyla, to track the missing Aang using the scent of his staff. The shirshu is unable to track him, however, and June explains that Aang is "gone". Sokka asks if Aang is dead, to which June clarifies that he is not dead, he simply does not exist.

Newly awoken on a foreign isle in the middle of the body of water, Aang and Momo wonder where they are, deducing they are not in the Spirit World because the former can still bend. He decides to climb to the top of the island to encounter if they tin can discover annihilation.

Zuko, realizing the grouping would not be able to track down Aang, comes to the conclusion that the only other person who could perhaps defeat Ozai is Iroh. He brings dorsum Iroh'southward rancid sandal as a smell sample for Nyla to rails. Nyla runs off to find the source and Team Avatar follows on Appa, eventually being led to the breached Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se after a day-long journey. They decide to campsite out for the night and begin again at dawn. The group is later woken up by burn surrounding their encampment. Several sometime masters, Jeong Jeong, Piandao, Pakku, and Bumi, show themselves and greet them.

Avatar Roku advises Aang that he must exist decisive.

Wandering around the island, Aang presently finds a large hexagonal symbol on the footing and, unable to bend it, deduces that it is not made of stone or normal world. Lost for thoughts, Aang decides to contact Roku, hoping he volition know where this place is. However, Roku confesses to him that he has non the slightest idea every bit to where they are, but sees Aang is frustrated by the knowledge that he has to kill the Fire Lord to stop the Hundred Twelvemonth War. Roku confesses that his own disciplined outlook on being the Avatar was ultimately what caused the War to happen, every bit sparing Fire Lord Sozin cost Roku his life. Roku tells Aang he must be decisive and disappears.

The gang and order encompass, with Pakku revealing that he is enganged to Sokka and Katara's grandmother. Toph wonders why they are surrounded by quondam people, and they reveal they are members of the Order of the White Lotus, a secret organization focused on beauty and philosophy, and were summoned to Ba Sing Se by Iroh, the Grand Lotus. The gang exclaims they are looking for him and the masters agree to lead them to him. Bumi notices that their grouping is missing someone of import and inquires nearly the whereabouts of Momo, to which Sokka responds that he and Aang are missing. Stating that Aang and Momo will be all right "and then long as they have each other," Bumi continues to lead the others to the White Lotus army camp to find Iroh.

Back on the island, Aang summons Avatar Kyoshi for wisdom. She recalls her meet with Chin the Conqueror, severing Kyoshi Isle from the mainland to terminate Chin, inadvertently causing his death. Aang reasons that she technically did not kill Chin, but Kyoshi tells Aang she sees no departure and would have killed him herself to go along the world in balance. She tells Aang but justice will bring peace and disappears. Agitated by her response, Aang wishes he never asked Kyoshi for wisdom at all.

Bumi was able to use the firebenders' lack of power to overwhelm them and liberate Omashu.

Along the way back to camp, Bumi revealed that he unmarried-handedly liberated the urban center of Omashu during the Day of Black Lord's day. With an astonishing display of earthbending, he freed himself from his cage and cast out Burn Nation buildings, laughing and eating rock candy as he launched Ozai's gigantic statue out of the metropolis. The Fire Nation soldiers were powerless due to the eclipse, and helplessly fled. Bumi asks the others if they did anything interesting on the day of the eclipse; Zuko and Sokka look awkwardly at each other and claim that they did not.

Aang looks deep inside himself and summons Avatar Kuruk for wisdom. Kuruk explains that during his time every bit the Avatar he was laid back and let the iv nations work their own problems out. However, Koh the Face Stealer punished Kuruk for his laziness by dragging his love Ummi into the Spirit World. Kuruk blames himself for what happened to her, and tells Aang he must actively shape his own destiny, too as the destiny of the world. When Kuruk disappears, Aang despairs that three of his by lives are telling him to practice what he does non want to practice.

The gang arrives at the White Lotus encampment, and Zuko is shown to Iroh's tent. He sits in front of the tent, ashamed and worried that Iroh hates him for his betrayal. Katara sits and comforts him, believing that Iroh would forgive Zuko if he was truly pitiful. Zuko enters the tent and finds his uncle asleep, snoring loudly. With a wry, affectionate smiling, he sits downwardly to wait for Iroh to wake.

Iroh and Zuko reunite with a tearful embrace.

Interacting with Momo, Aang figures that since the iii by lives he asked were not Air Nomads, they cannot perchance understand his position correctly. He summons the previous Air Nomad Avatar, Yangchen, to ask her for wisdom on what he should do. Though they both concur that all life is sacred, Yangchen insists that, as the Avatar, he has a duty to protect the world. Aang argues that the monks taught him to disassemble himself from the world so his spirit can be free to achieve spiritual enlightenment, but Yangchen counters that the Avatar is incapable of detaching from the globe, as it is the Avatar's sole duty, and insists Aang must do whatever it takes to protect information technology. Afterwards she disappears, Aang laments to Momo that he has no other choice only to kill Ozai.

The next forenoon, Iroh wakes upwards to discover Zuko waiting for him. Zuko tearfully apologizes for all he has done, but earlier he can ask how to redeem himself, Iroh grabs and hugs him, surprising Zuko. Tears streaming from his own optics, Iroh states he was never angry at his nephew, but was afraid he had lost his way. Zuko admits that he had, but Iroh establishes that he constitute it again and did and so by himself. When he mentions that he is very happy that Zuko establish his fashion to the encampment, Zuko jokes that it was not that hard as Iroh "has a pretty strong scent".

As a new twenty-four hours begins, Aang wakes and sees mountains in the altitude moving closer, realizing that the island itself is moving. He swims around the side of the isle and, seeing a giant arm paddling, understands the island is a gigantic bounding main animate being and starts swimming toward its face.

Aang stands before the lion turtle.

At the military camp, Team Avatar has a meal with Iroh. Zuko asks for Iroh to stop the Burn Lord since Aang is missing, simply Iroh says he is non sure he could defeat Ozai. He also believes it would not be the right way for the War to stop, as history would only see it every bit "more senseless violence" and a blood brother killing a blood brother for power, and that simply the Avatar should defeat the Fire Lord. Iroh rejects his merits to the throne and tells Zuko he instead must take Ozai's place as Fire Lord to stop the War. Iroh believes Zuko has at last restored his own honour, and that his destiny is to restore the honour of the Burn Nation, while it is his own destiny to reclaim Ba Sing Se in name of the Earth Kingdom. Zuko must face up his sister Azula before claiming the throne, and Iroh insists he cannot do information technology lonely. Zuko asks Katara to come to the Fire Nation with him and she gladly accepts. Sokka, Suki, and Toph program to intercept the Fire Nation air fleets and help Aang if he needs it. Iroh and the rest of the White Lotus members bid the ii groups farewell; Zuko and Katara on Appa, and Sokka, Suki, and Toph on an eel hound. When Zuko asks Iroh what he volition do after he reconquers Ba Sing Se, Iroh responds by proverb he will reopen his tea store, the Jasmine Dragon, and play Pai Sho every 24-hour interval.

The lion turtle imparts his wisdom.

Aang finds that the swimming island is a lion turtle, which stops pond and lifts Aang onto its paw. Aang asks it for wisdom on how to stop the Fire Lord without taking his life. The king of beasts turtle answers, "The truthful mind can conditions all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the toxicant of hatred without being harmed. Since beginning-less time, darkness thrives in the void, just always yields to purifying calorie-free." The panthera leo turtle brings up a paw, his two claws touching Aang's chest and forehead, causing a green light to illuminate. Aang does not understand the turtle's words, but is comforted by this wisdom. He is let on land and waits for the inflow of Burn Lord Ozai.

As nighttime falls, the air fleets of the Fire Nation led by Ozai prepare to depart and watch equally Sozin'south Comet enters the Earth's temper. Aang watches in apprehension as the sky turns orange-red, prepare to relieve the world.


  • Written by:
    • Aaron Ehasz
  • Directed by:
    • Giancarlo Volpe
  • Starring:
    • Zach Tyler Eisen - Aang
    • Mae Whitman - Katara
    • Jack DeSena - Sokka
    • Jessie Flower - Toph
    • Dante Basco - Prince Zuko
    • Dee Bradley Baker:
      • Appa
      • Momo
  • Also starring:
    • Greg Baldwin - Uncle
    • Mark Hamill - Firelord Ozai
    • Jennie Kwan - Suki
    • James Garrett - Roku
    • Andre Sogliuzzo - Bumi
    • Victor Brandt - Pakku
    • Robert Patrick - Piandao
    • Keone Immature - Jeong Jeong
    • Jennifer Hale:
      • Kyoshi
      • June
    • Kevin Michael Richardson - Lion turtle
    • Tress MacNeille - Yangchen
    • Jim Meskimen - Kuruk
  • Additional voices:
    • Dee Bradley Baker

Production notes


Main article: Transcript:Sozin's Comet, Function 2: The Old Masters
Main article: Transcript:Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters (commentary)

Main article: Avatar Extras for Book Three: Burn

Series continuity

  • June refers to Katara as Zuko'south girlfriend in "Bato of the Water Tribe" likewise as this episode.
  • This is the second of only two episodes where tears have been seen flowing out of Zuko'due south scarred left heart. The other episode is "Bitter Piece of work".
  • This is the first episode in which Iroh'due south topknot is seen since "The Avatar Country".
  • This is the second episode in which Zuko uses Iroh'due south sandal to locate him. In "Winter Solstice, Part ane: The Spirit World", Zuko finds his sandal in the middle of the road, indicating that he is on the correct path. In this episode, he uses the olfactory property of Iroh'south sandal to guide Nyla to his location.
  • This episode and the next episode are the merely two in the series when there is no official Burn down Lord present at the time.
  • Despite Aang'southward previous encounters with both Avatar Kuruk and Avatar Yangchen in the Spirit World, the 2 Avatars introduced themselves to Aang due to the fact that, at the end of Aang's journey, Yangchen told him that his encounters would be a forgotten dream.
  • This is the second episode in which Avatar Kuruk and Avatar Yangchen announced and the first time their voices are heard. They beginning appeared as miscellaneous Avatars in "The Avatar State" and were properly introduced in the online game, Escape from the Spirit World.
  • Avatar Kuruk mentions that he lost his dearest to Koh the Face Stealer. Aang met this spirit in "The Siege of the Northward, Function 2".
  • Avatar Kuruk's advice to Aang recapitulates his story from "Escape from the Spirit Globe".
  • The four "Former Masters" were each referred to in the title of the episode they were introduced: "The Male monarch of Omashu" (Bumi), "The Deserter" (Jeong Jeong), "The Waterbending Master" (Pakku), and "Sokka'due south Master" (Piandao).
  • The episode's title is a reference to the Order of the White Lotus which consists of one-time masters, every bit well as the past Avatars who advised Aang and to the lion turtle, who is the oldest master of all.
  • In this episode, Aang contacts Avatar Roku for the terminal time in the series.


  • When Aang wakes up for the start time on the lion turtle, the lightning leave wound scar is on the incorrect foot.
  • While on the king of beasts turtle, Aang is seen wearing boots in various scenes, despite the fact that he was barefoot when he slept-walked onto the king of beasts turtle in the previous episode. This happens several times throughout the episode.
  • When Zuko brings his uncle's sandal every bit a aroma sample, a close-upwards reveals that it is covered in flies. Nevertheless, the flies disappear when the camera zooms out again.
  • When Bumi flashes back to when he freed Omashu, he was able to look at the eclipse without hurting his eyes.
  • At ane point during Bumi's liberation of Omashu, he launches eight earth pillars of equal size at the Ozai statue'southward face. Nevertheless, only seven are seen hitting the face and they all differ in shape and size.
  • When Iroh yawns as he wakes up earlier Zuko apologizes to him, Zuko is seen in the groundwork looking down at the ground about his uncle. Withal, when the camera zooms in on Zuko, he is looking directly at Iroh.
  • When Aang resurfaces upon discovering the panthera leo turtle and rubs the h2o from his eyes, the pointer tattoos on his hands are missing.
  • While Aang is treading water next to the panthera leo turtle, the forest should have moved behind him and Aang should accept stayed in place. Instead, Aang moved with it, every bit if he was still swimming.
  • In the original airing of the episode, the volume was muted for a few seconds when Bumi began talking about his reconquering of Omashu. This upshot also previously affected the re-create of the episode that Netflix used for their Instant Streaming service.


  • This episode was office of an event called "Countdown to the Comet". The new episodes of Avatar began airing on July fourteen, starting with "The Western Air Temple", followed by "The Firebending Masters", "The Boiling Rock" parts one and two, "The Southern Raiders", "The Ember Island Players", and finally "Sozin's Comet" parts one through four.
  • The scenes featuring Aang are very similar to the classic Hindu text Bhagavad Gita. In the dialogue, prince Arjuna prepares to appoint in a major battle when he realizes that the opposing army is populated by many of his friends and relatives, and thus becomes conflicted about fighting, despite being aware of their evil. In order to convince Arjuna of the importance of taking part in boxing, Lord Krishna, avatar of the god Vishnu, appears in the course of his charioteer and counsels the prince virtually his duties as a member of the warrior caste and as someone tasked with post-obit the righteous path. The arguments that Krishna gives in favor of participating in the boxing are very similar to the arguments that the Avatars give to Aang, like Kuruk's advice on the consequences of inaction and Kyoshi's alluding to a greater adept that would outweigh the evil of taking life.
  • Generally, when Ozai makes an appearance, so does Azula, though this is the just episode in which he appears, and she does not.
  • When Zuko and the gang are conferring with the Society of the White Lotus at the campsite, he refers to his begetter as "Father Lord" instead of "Burn Lord". Toph even points out his mistake, but he does non acknowledge it. This verbal mistake is an actual psychological phenomenon called "Freudian slip", which is thought to reveal unconscious conflicts or issues of varied natures.
  • Zuko and Iroh's reunion is very similar to the parable of the Dissipated Son. A immature human being leaves his male parent and brother to pursue friendships with sinful people, similar to how Zuko betrays Iroh for Ozai and Azula, ironically, Zuko's firsthand family. After all the son goes through, he soon learns he tin can go back to his father. When he returns, he expects his father to severely reprimand him, merely for the male parent to instantly welcome him back with open up artillery.
  • Zuko and Iroh's reunion scene was storyboarded by supervising director Oh Seung Hyun, with the creators request him to base of operations the moment where the two characters hug on a like scene Oh had blithe in the Korean blithe film Wonderful Days.[one]
  • This is the second time in the iv part special that someone points out other bug when Aang should exist the chief focus, the first time being when Sokka points out Zuko destroying his sand sculpture before he points out Zuko attacking Aang. Bumi realizes Momo is missing, and has to be told that Aang is gone as well. This one-act device is sometimes referred to every bit Burying the Lead.
  • This is the first and merely episode in the series in which Iroh calls Aang by his name and not by "the Avatar".
  • The titular "Sozin's Comet" first appears at the end of this episode. The comet travels against the earth'southward rotation, traveling from east to west. That is why lite from the comet was able to appear behind Aang'south caput in this episode, and why it is seen leaving in "Sozin'south Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang" across the bounding main opposite the direction from which Phoenix King Ozai'due south airship fleet came.
  • The place where Nyla leads the team to is very similar to the part of the Outer Wall that Iroh broke through during his 600-day siege of Ba Sing Se.
  • The order in which Aang speaks with his previous incarnations, Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Yangchen, represents the Avatar Bicycle in reverse: fire, world, water, and air.
  • It was revealed in Avatar Extras and the episode commentary that the writers wanted Momo with Aang on the lion turtle so Aang could talk to someone.[1]
  • This is Avatar Roku'southward last speaking role in the series.


  1. ane.0 ane.1 DiMartino, Michael Dante & Konietzko, Bryan (July 29, 2008). "Sozin'southward Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters" commentary. Book 3: Fire, Volume 4 DVD.


Source: https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Sozin%27s_Comet,_Part_2:_The_Old_Masters

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